2nd high seas International Conference
PROGRAMME Monday 18th November 2019
9:30 - 10:30
10:30 - 11:00
11:00 - 12:00
12:00 - 13:30
13:30 - 15:00
15:00 - 15:20
16:50 - 17:10
17:10 - 18:40
15:20 - 16:50
Jean-Loup LESAFFRE, President of Nausicaá
Cyrille BARNÉRIAS, Head of the European and International Affairs Team, French Biodiversity Agency
Frédéric CUVILLIER, Mayor of Boulogne-sur-Mer, President of the Communauté d’agglomération du Boulonnais, former French Minister of Transportation and Maritime Affairs
Introduction to the programme
Philippe Vallette, General Manager of Nausicaá and Vice-president of World Ocean Network
About the BBNJ process
Rena LEE - Ambassador, Singapore, IGC President
Jimmy PAHUN - Member of Parliament, France
Serge SÉGURA - Ambassador for the Oceans, France
Group picture - lunch
Roundtable 1
What is the private sector’s interest in protecting the high seas?
Convenor: Emmanuel-Marie PETON -French Maritime Cluster
Speakers: Sabine ROUX DE BÉZIEUX - Fondation de la Mer
Didier DILLARD - Orange Marine
Bruno JOUBERT - Compagnie Ponant
Jean-Marc SORNIN - Abyssa
This roundtable is a chance for private sector representatives to explain how and why they work with the high seas. They will explore the future perspectives of their activities. Many need an ocean in good health and will give examples of ways they aim to develop their activities while limiting their impact on the biological diversity. Sectors covered will include shipping, tourism, fishing, marine genetic resources (MGR) and mining.
Roundtable 2
Will the forthcoming BBNJ treaty hamper or facilitate economic activity on the high seas?
Convenor: Elie JARMACHE - Technical and legal commission of the International Seabed Authority
Speakers: Ramon VAN BARNEVELD - European Commission, DG Mare, European Union
Laurène NIAMBA - Armateurs de France
Alice COLAROSSI - International Cable Protection Committee
Laurent NICOLLE - Cap Bourbon
Paul HOLTHUS - World Ocean Council
Some economic sectors (submarine cable activities, fishing, etc.) can be preoccupied by the evolution of the negotiations and need to know more about the future legal framework of their activities. This roundtable will examine the real consequences of the rules put in place by the BBNJ treaty on economic activity on the high seas, including shipping, cables, mining, MGR, insurance, and so on. How will these sectors take stock of and adapt to new rules regarding environmental impact assessment, use of marine genetic resources, protection of vulnerable areas or capacity building?
Roundtable 3
How can the private sector and other stakeholders cooperate on the high seas?
Convenor: Manuel CIRA - Nausicaá
Speakers: Cyrille BARNÉRIAS - French Biodiversity Agency
Léa MARTY - Ifremer
Murray ROBERTS - University of Edinburgh
Romain TROUBLÉ - Tara Ocean Fondation
Jean-Charles LAUTH - Marine nationale
Eudes RIBLIER - Institut Français de la Mer
Roundtable 3 will look at how companies working on the high seas benefit from numerous essential services, provided by other stakeholders, ranging from scientific data to navy protection. We will also explore different initiatives that can be taken by the private sector to support these other stakeholders.
Cocktail and Dinner
2nd high seas International Conference
PROGRAMME Tuesday 19th November 2019
8:30 - 9:00
10:30 - 11:00
11:00 - 12:30
12:00 - 13:00
Welcome coffee
Roundtable 4
What role could international organisations play in sustainable use of the high seas?
Convenor: Serge SÉGURA - Ambassador in charge of the oceans
Speakers: Michael LODGE - International Seabed Authority (video)
Fredrik HAAG - International Marine Organisation
Fred KINGSTON - Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization
François BAILET - UN Division of Ocean Affairs and Law of the Sea
Representatives of international organisations already working with States and the private sector on high seas will discuss how they see their role linking BBNJ and the private sector, and how they can also contribute to some of the treaty’s objectives through capacity building, environmental impact assessment and marine spatial planning.
Roundtable 5
What about the future?
Convenor: Philippe Vallette - Nausicaá and World Ocean Network
Speakers: Bruno DAVID - National Museum of Natural History, Paris
Jacques ROUGERIE - Fondation Jacques-Rougerie
Sandrine BARBIER - Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs
How will we work internationally on the high seas and what legal questions do we have to solve? Let us imagine our dreams and fears for the future of human activity on the high seas. What will science and technology allow us to do? What activities will increase, diminish or disappear? What kind of space occupation can be drawn up in these areas beyond national jurisdiction and within what legal framework?
Conclusion and wrap-up
Cyrille BARNÉRIAS - French Biodiversity Agency
Serge SÉGURA - Ambassador in charge of the oceans
Philippe VALLETTE - Nausicaá, National Sea Centre
Public Conference: La haute mer, un nouvel horizon pour notre avenir !
Convenor: Emmanuel Cugny, journalist, France Info - French only
9:00 - 10:30
13:00 - 14:30